‹FXNow› Angel Has Fallen Movie

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Actor: Danny Huston, Rocci Williams
countries: USA
audience Score: 63276 Vote
04:31 Where the hell was the CAT team.
This trailer is pretty terrible, it gives away the entire storyline. From it I can tell the following: 1) World leaders meet in London 2) A massive terror attack kills most of the leaders 3) The president is on the run with his Secret Service detail 4) A terrorist speaks directly with American control and threatens to kill the president 5) The president says he wants to be killed instead of being captured 6) The president is captured and it is broadcast in Time Square 7) His helicopter is shot at and falls to the ground From here there isn’t a lot to know exact that there will probably be a rescue mission to get the president, which is the final act of the movie. so this trailer pretty much spoils 85% of the movie.

Waiting 4 Angel has fallen🤩.
Olympus has fallen, London has fallen, Ridiculous.
I honestly quite liked this movie because it didn’t take itself seriously.
Who would make this.I live in LA and now im scared as hell of living here in LA.
I went into this film expecting exactly what I got. with these types of movies you are not getting Oscar quality stuff. these are action movies. If you liked the first two movies you will enjoy this movie. if you didn’t save your money. it’s that simple. That said, we went to the first showing of this film and was pleasantly surprised to see about half the place filled. I really didn’t expect that. If you do go, don’t rush out at the end.

Angel as fallen olympus as fallen london as fallen.😂.
The film is similar with Olympus has Fallen. But i find Olympus more interesting than this.
For a 40 million budget this is an excellent 3rd installment to the fallen series, yes its totally unbelievable just as the 1st & 2nd movies are but it’s entertainment & that’s all it’s supposed to be, well worth a watch & with the added addition of nick nolte I actually enjoyed this more than the first 2 movies, keep watching during the credits for an extra scene with banning & his dad, totally fun watch.


This entire movie is part and parcel of living in a big city like london- Saddiq Khan.
Just to see the drones deployment and execution of the controller’s command, identification and illimination of the target was scary, Waw Man 🤔 if this is how war is gonna be faught in the future, I’m sorry but it’s gonna be a bloodbath on both sides, there’s no way to defend against this kind of attack.
Great semi-believable story, lots of good action, fine performances and Nick Nolte steals the show.

I already saw the second movie its funny 😆

Olympus has fallen.
Is it just me or is the music for this trailer really unfittingly uplifting.
Wow that beginning scene with the explosions – wrong, you’d need multiple nuclear bombs to eliminate the energy in a hurricane. The energy in a Hurricane is immense, all that airflow – exploding a bunch of small bombs isn’t nearly enough to stop that massive airflow. Look it up, there are videos explaining how we haven’t enough energy to stop a hurricane.
Best upcoming movies trailers First trailer : The Sonic movie WTF.
Sonic: Look at this, Ive taken 9 million steps today Me: But youre not wearing a watch or anything to tell…

Chu’ anh la` 1 angel.
My favorite trailer and movie I watch was Godzilla King Of The Monsters.
Fun to watch. but so many mistakes.
Who in here ready for the apocalypse.
Me: sees sonic trailer Me again: WTF IS THAT KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS.
I saw Angels has fallen its a great movie and I like when you blame mike that he almost killed president.
People complaining how it would be the start of ww3 but that wouldnt be possible since Germany didnt start it.
11:00 favorite scene.
The decision to cast Danny Huston and Tim Blake Nelson practically gave away the entire plot from the beginning of the movie. The acting was horrible and Gerard Butler has become successively less believable as a top Secret Service agent with his middle aged, pudgy looks that are the opposite of athletic. I believe that Nick Nolte stole the film with his acting.
Not sure why the director felt that a trilogy would benefit this film. This film could have been much better.

Prince oof the Rap Vs I am Legend :P.
So if you cover your face you’ll be safe from those drones.
Shoulder your damn rifle marine! 😂.
Expected MORE. Gerard Butler looks uncomfortable throughout the whole movie. Freeman does a decent job.

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